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Tito's Handmade Vodka

Reviews to date: 123Average score: 4
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The definition of vodka, no color, no odor, no flavor. Of course this means it has no character, but it is technically what vodka is supposed to be. Price wise, it is about the same as Skyy, maybe a bit more. This is not a vodka for shots, but one for mixing.....
Reviewer: Chris Jandt

Smoooooooooooooooooth and oh so clean and crisp.
Reviewer: Jo

So smoooth. And a distinctive falvor. Delicious
Reviewer: Greg Oldham

Tito's is hard to beat, especially at the price. Seek it out.
Reviewer: Dave

Great Vodka the smoothest I have ever tasted. You can drink this like water.
Reviewer: Paul

Been drinking Vodka since college. Tito's by far is the hands down winner. Wether your mixing or chilling and eating with caviar. Tito's is the smoothest vodka I've ever tasted. Besides being the best vodka it's a great story, buy Tito's and taste test against the super premiums and will be shocked! Long live Tito John Miami
Reviewer: John Holian

Wonderfully clean and crisp. And a GREAT price!! Less visous out of the freezer than Russian vodka.
Reviewer: Bob

A Texas (yes, Texas!) vodka potstill grain vodka that is exceptionally smooth. Gray Goose fans may not care for Tito's lack of distinctive flavor, but this long-time Stoli afficionado is a convert!
Reviewer: J Jenschke

I have been looking for something this clean my whole drinking lifetime. My search is over. Martini, no vermouth, shaken heavily, Sqeeze of lemon. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Reviewer: Mark Heymann

Found out about Tito's through a story on CNN. Wasn't available locally and looked around for a year before finding it. It was most definitely worth the wait. I'd been a Stoli drinker for years and swithced to JW Black, then to single malts. Didn't think I'd ever switch back to vodka. Tito's changed my mind. Another upside, it's less expensive than JW Black. I'm sold forever.
Reviewer: Mark

Never been a vodka drinker but Tito's certainly changed my mind... Tasty!
Reviewer: Amanda Hillstrom

Best vodka I ever tasted, I will switch from Stoli after 20 years, which I now believe to be second best.
Reviewer: William J Dunaj

Reviewer: ROBERT E

The smoothest vodka I have every tasted and makes the best martini. I must admit, I also feel better about sending my money to Texas than to France (Grey Goose) which had been my previous favorite, and also spending half of what I used to.
Reviewer: Jon Bonobo

very flavorful and woodsy tasting vodka, taste being something missing from many of the vodkas making the top 10 lists. No pretty bottle or exotic distillery lacale,sorry
Reviewer: joey

This Vodka is made from corn and distilled six times! Super smooth. Awesome Vodka for the price. And made in USA!!
Reviewer: TOM

Amazing. You will see this top tier vodka get nationwide (USA) distribution. Absolut got rated an 85, Tito's got a 95.
Reviewer: Al

Smooth, clean, and relatively inexpensive. Makes it the best deal in vodka the world over.
Reviewer: MD

I went to college in Texas, and when I saw a Texas vodka(!) in an area liquor store, I thought I'd try it for a lark. The price was less than many mediocre 'upscale' vodkas (e.g., Absolut), but I wasn't expecting much. I couldn't have been more wrong. Tito's is among the best of the best, and as its reputation inevitably increases, I imagine the price will, too. Sigh.
Reviewer: Manji

good stuff
Reviewer: Bob Smith

TITO'S #1!!!!!
Reviewer: Tom

Tito's is exceptional for the price. Smooth and tasteless. Actually my only complaint is that it is mostly tastless. This is a great vodka for a martini, and is well worth the price. Great Texas vodka and highly recommeded.
Reviewer: Gavin

Where's the worm? Seriously, vodka from Texas? OK, I admit it. It's pretty damn good. Not as good as a good potato vodka (the BEST!), but very good for grain.
Reviewer: chris

I've drank many premium vodka's, but this beats them all hands down. I did my own blind taste test with Vox, Grey Goose and Finlandia, & Tito's won hands down. Distilled 6 times.
Reviewer: Cindy P

Smooth and creamy to start, slight pepper taste, no antiseptic taste or smell, goes down quickly turning into a warm glow to let you know you are drinking something. Appreciate the lack of hangover inducing cogeners. Superb,one of my favorites,and only costs $16 for 1 liter.
Reviewer: Rob

Ever since the first time I bought Tito's , I've been pimpin' it big time! I have never been much of a vodka drinker, until now. I now have two bottles in my liquor cabinet at all times, and it's the only vodka my friends buy now. The easiest job in the world would be a Tito's Vodka salesman; the product would sell itself .
Reviewer: Dave

Sorry, bought bottle tried two different times, very rough both times. My brother agreed. My uncle enjoyed it...gave him the bottle.
Reviewer: B

Very nice on the tongue with a tad too much of an afterburn. Nice but hostile on departure.
Reviewer: Crystal Holton

It used to be good, then it got popular and they changed it. How do you handmake a vodka sold in 48 states???? The real genius is the marketing... It actually comes from Midwest Grain Products in Iowa. Tito buys it by the truckload and bottles it in Texas. Notice even on his website he points out that he doesn't make a mash-
Reviewer: Robert Janski

Very smooth - A "Girls Vodka" for sure. Keep it in the freezer if you enjoy it straight.
Reviewer: Matt

Might get knocked for being "too Smooth", but it is perfect in my shot glass...
Reviewer: Vic

incredible vodka, smooth, unbelievably from Texas
Reviewer: John P

A lot of people like expensive vodka's because, well, they're expensive. Price tag often dictates taste. But If you want an excellent Vodka that is even smoother then the expensive Vodka's, go with Tito's. This stuff is the best Vodka I've had and It's only $30.00 a 1.75L. That's a steal.
Reviewer: Dave

It's been said before me, but it bears repeating...This is the smoothest vodka ever. It makes the best dirty martin, and it is great by itself. I can't see myself drinking any other vodka again.
Reviewer: Richard B.

My absolute favorite vodka! As smooth as mothers milk!..I drink it straight and warm in a cognac glass, so smooth there is no need to chill it. An absolute sin to use as a mixer in my house, and at a very reasonable price, definetely handsdown the best vodka for your money..only thing smoother is Shustoff (yes with two "f"'s not the Shustov with a "v" but impossible to find
Reviewer: MadMax2012

Tito lives in the Austin, Texas area and his vodka is distilled six times. It's a very good vodka, especially for the price.
Reviewer: Vicky Braden

Our introduction was to Titos and Austin City Limits! Perfect combination. First day home bought Titos and set The Grey Goose loose !
Reviewer: steve b

Smooth, virtually no burning, almost no after-taste... what Vodka is ment to be. I have never expirienced any vodka as good as this, and the cost is very low compaired to any to-shelfs it beats.
Reviewer: Jimmyman

Smooth, no aftertaste, very little burn almost like drinking water. great shooter, great on its own.
Reviewer: vodkafan 1

They are right. This is fantastic. Sipped neat, or with orange juice, or with anything else for that matter. This is incredibly smooth, with a pleasant taste up front, and no bite whatsoever. It might not be the absolute most refined vodka on the planet. But factor in price, and it's the top contender. It is unbelievable how good this is for the money.
Reviewer: Mike W

I loved this stuff till I got a bad bottle. It was not the same and prices are up! I used to say this stuff rules till I shared a bottle that tasted like crap.... I recomend Fris it's great tasting and reliability is important!
Reviewer: Matt

Not bad for an american vodka. Best in mixed drinks.
Reviewer: John Galt

My favorite vodka - no need to mix it with anything. Smooth and delicious.
Reviewer: LRB

I know it can be hard to find but that is really the only thing going against it. Extremely smooth but still tastes like vodka. Most people believe vodka should just disappear in a drink, i believe vodka should be tasted. No doubt one of the highest quality vodkas that can be bought and usually much cheaper than vodkas of the same quality.
Reviewer: TA

After all the positive reviews and comments I've read, this one disappointed me. Looking at some comments, maybe this vodka used to be good, but quality has went down and price has gone up, a common symptom of a lot of products when success gets to your head. It is very neutral and clean in the mouth, but after the swallow I found it to be a harsh and caustic experience, with a bitter aftertaste that sticks, filling up your entire mouth. It mixes fine, but so do a lot of other vodkas, and there are some that are cheaper and better.
Reviewer: Jason

Sweet, but a little harsh. Corn base limits the complexity of the spirit... not bad, but feels a little overhyped as a small artisan option. Most don't realize Tito's actually rectifies industrial neutral grain spirits... they soften commercial ethanol in their stills. A good base mixer product, but nothing to write home about... and not a great example of small batch distilling.
Reviewer: Brady

I read the other reviews, thats why I bought it, but maybe there's something wrong with me - it tasted like "alcohol medicine" to start. That quickly faded, and no taste at all after that. Are others noticing the antiseptic taste at the beginning?
Reviewer: Joe Scott

Tito's is the vodka that got me away from the same old stuff everybody drinks. It hase converted what seems like a small army of my non-vodka loving friends with it's smoothness. Great drink out of the freezer, straight.
Reviewer: Matt

Soo good tastes just like ketel one and a lot less expensive. It does't sell everywhere but when i find it I buy it. Soo smootheand gives me a cold chill, instead of a warm sick feeling get with others. It is refreshing.
Reviewer: Emily

One of my favourites, easily better than all the major name french vodkas which have are weak and posses only the hot burn. Tito's has both the initial cold burn (think of a winter wind) and the warm afterglow (sunshine) - few vodkas successfully combine both.
Reviewer: Aleksandr

One of the great handmade American vodkas . Distilled six times, which definitely shows in its clarity and smoothness. It has a nice, slight sweet taste and non of that rubbing alcohol type sensation you get from improperly distilled vodkas. This has to be one of my favorite easy drinking vodkas, and it's easy on the wallet too. For the quality you get for the low price, I'd have to put it at the top of the list.
Reviewer: Mike Johnson

The taste is bitter and not smooth.If this were a cheap vodka I would say its ok.
Reviewer: lloyd

I just drink vodka ..and this is one very good product, clean no after burn, mixes well with most anything. I would put it up with my three favorite vodkas from anywhere or at any price..
Reviewer: Gilbert Pesheau

A very smooth, neutral tasting vodka. I live in Canada but my husband is from Texas so I thought it would be appropriate to try. It's a little more expensive at the lcbo, but definitely worth it! A great mixing vodka.
Reviewer: Jennifer

Most Vodka's have the same industrial smell and taste, some better than others. Tito's has a unique taste and smell that is very pleasing and unique along with a reasonable smoothness. The best vodka, regardless of cost, that I have ever tried.
Reviewer: D. Hersh

it's very smooth with virtually no bite or aftertaste. what makes it great for most is what i dislike about it, there's pretty much zero flavor by comparison to others. it's still a decent price and a quality product, so it's definately a solid 4.
Reviewer: EsocLucius

This is the vodka that turned me away from beer. Very smooth, I have not had the recent "bad" bottle experience like some other reviewers. I will agree that Tito's is perhaps lacking in a distinct flavor of it's own. I had a few friends over for a blind taste test of several brands, and Tito's was near the top of everyones list.
Reviewer: Matt

For me, this vodka has to be close to the bottom for flavor. What you'll get with Tito's is a sweet smooth, bland vodka. After all this marketing hype is over, you probably won't see this around in a few years. Handmade?? Waaaa?
Reviewer: GMD

Went down smooth with 7up, just don't drink too much too fast
Reviewer: Joshua

Smoother than a babies bottom, tasted some of the top of the line vodkas and they don't compare. simply put they were never an enjoyable drink; was always just vile to me. But this, this is something god given.
Reviewer: Zachary F

There are a lot of "dead soldiers" (empty bottles) from Vodka in my drinking lifetime history and many varieties, but Titos' Vodka is one of the best and the main one I drink. Just all around outstandingly good. When I visit Ukraine with my wife to see family and friends, they all get very excited and the vodka flows. In the US, I don't drink a bottle of Vodka at one sitting (I did in my youth), but it is friendship and expected in Ukraine. They LOVE Titos' MORE than their own Prime Vodka made in Kharkiv and a National symbol of pride. That's quite an endorsement I think.
Reviewer: Dwight

This aint bad vodka, though I tried it next to Fris so that took away from it. It has a nice finish, and a good price. I'd buy it again. I want to do a side by side comparison with Ketel One and see which one I like better.
Reviewer: jmr

I considered giving Tito's a 2, but the price drops it down to a 1. Terrible rubbing alcohol flavor. This vodka's success is clearly a result of marketing hype. Anyone who knows their vodka would agree to this immediately. But if it makes you happy, drink it. If you like Tito's, may I recommend UV 103 proof. It tastes similar, but at $12 a bottle, it'll get you drunk at half the price.
Reviewer: Tito

You notice how these reviews are all over the place? Taste/no taste/ smooth/harsh etc...It's all subjective. I personally find it to be very smooth and with little to no taste. Vodka is all I drink and I've tried them all. I prefer Tito's. And to the reviewer who impugned Tito's honesty. HE BUYS HIS CORN FROM THE SUPPLIER YOU MENTIONED- NOT HIS VODKA. DUFAS!
Reviewer: Ian

high-end; bottom line.
Reviewer: Matt Elmore

Tried this after a recommendation (and a challenge to compare). I found Tito's passable. Fairly decent for the price and all. But not sold entirley. Not as smooth a finish. And for the price and the "hand made" marketing...just didn't hold up. The challenge? Exclusiv vs Tito's. Sorry, Exclusiv wins.
Reviewer: Latimer

Titos= inexpensive,smooth,no hangover the next day and delicious with ginger ale and lime...meets all of my requirements. Made in the USA is a bonus!
Reviewer: AJ

Tastes like rubbing alcohol. Birns going down. I can smell its stench from here. Yuck. Even my Russian relatives thought it sucked.
Reviewer: steve

I'm from Ireland and first had Tito's while in Boston. We were all jaded after a long day of meetings and the clients from Austin mentioned this Tito's. I thought they were letting on (Texan's make Vodka?), but it was actually quite good. Top drawer Vodka.
Reviewer: Liam

Clean and smooth. Believe it or not, their is better Vodka out there.
Reviewer: Borris

Tried a bottle, straight over the rocks. Just okay to drink. the bitter after taste that lingers and mentioned in other comments is quite true. Had it again this week as American Airlines is now serving it instead of Absolut. Same awful bitter after taste. My wife tried it mixed and threw the rest of the bottle away.
Reviewer: Jack

Made a fine martini. Very smooth alone. Fabulous in mixed drinks. I love it. Generally I am a scotch and bourbon drinker but this is now my vodka to keep on hand. I really enjoyed this vodka. The 20 dollar price tag makes this a winner. Smooth, tasty, affordable, and works week for whatever you want to do with it, a vodka chameleon if you will. Distinct and smooth. A must try.
Reviewer: ysumaestro

I guess is good for mixing. Alone in a shot is tasteless. Had two shots last night and gave me a terrible headache/hangover. I'll stick to Tequila!
Reviewer: Norman Schwartz

Poured out of a freshly opened bottle...it is very good, BUT, twice now I've had a bartender pour it straight up from almost empty bottles....and had awful "musty/" oder and taste! Rest. owner tasted it and Agreed with me! Something's strange!
Reviewer: Ritch Van Duzer

Smooooooth going down. I can see how this won a tasting contest but the worst hangovers ever. Just 1 shot or 10, the next die I want to die.
Reviewer: Bob

Tito's hangover is the worst I have ever survived. Even after just 1 drink, the next day I feel I have been poisoned. I drink lots of different vodkas, this stuff is poison.
Reviewer: Robert

Coming from a Russian, this 'was' a semi-good vodka I did not get much of a hangover. Now the hangovers are insane. Not a pure vodka.
Reviewer: vlad

I was a gin drinker until I ran into Tito's. I think it is very smooth and at a moderate price. I don't have a bad head when I drink Tito's.
Reviewer: Bill

Reviewer: Thomas Brecher

There is some odd aftertaste to me. Similar to a vodka martini with too much vermouth. Not bad but many others that I prefer.....
Reviewer: Jimmy Wiz

Misleading package, neutral grain spirits purchased from outside Texas, not handmade anymore but was once handmade. Distilling the hell out of something (it's distilled 1 million times, so you know it's good) doesn't make it better, just means that the raw ingredients aren't that good to start with. Hard to compare this to other brands in different sub-categories, as I believe it's a corn-mash base = very sweet. Grey Goose is wheat, Chopin is Potato, and lots of vodkas from Poland are rye, all very diff taste profiles. We are a young nation with no palate for Vodka bc we rarely drink it straight like the Russians/Polish, or if we do it's chilled (think bad sake is heated so it tastes better). I think we need another opinion.
Reviewer: Andrew

nice body but too neutral in flavor nothing there really
Reviewer: Jon

I have been a vodka drinker for years, most gave me a hangover. Sky was my favorite until I drank Tito's great taste no hangover at all.
Reviewer: Gary fanning Sr.

I've tasted Titos and I was disappointed, first of all this is not true vodka. It leaves a bitter after taste in your month. Second I call smell it clearly on on myself and others afterward, it's certainly not a ladies drink. Second, it leaves you with bad breath. Certainly won't be buying it, Titos is more like a cheap vodka to me yuk.
Reviewer: Erika

My favorite.I would still drink Tito's even if it cost more than the other premium Vodkas. The only thing that would make it better is if it was made in Georgia instead of Texas.
Reviewer: dawson

Just bought it today and love it. I am a Absolut fan but this is very nice. I have tried the most expensive ones and this tastes so smooth. I don't drink crap. Russian vodkas are way too harsh for me.
Reviewer: Miles

Wow. Was ready to buy Absolute and the guy at the liquor store recommended Tito's. Delicious and Cosmo's. The ladies and I drank more than we should have. It was so smooth we almost thought we were drinking water. No burn no alcohol taste. Best of all none of us had a headache for a hangover.
Reviewer: Maryellen

Wow. Was ready to buy Absolute and the guy at the liquor store recommended Tito's. Delicious and Cosmo's. The ladies and I drank more than we should have. It was so smooth we almost thought we were drinking water. No burn no alcohol taste. Best of all none of us had a headache for a hangover.
Reviewer: Maryellen

The best I have ever had ,on my 4 bottle!.Heard about the product from my son back in Ohio.No lie if you can great drinking! JFK
Reviewer: Jim

I switched from Velvedere to Tito's is great and an excellent price. Love Martinis and with fresh orange juice is awesome.
Reviewer: Ivan

I am usually a belvedere drinker. I had one shot of this with dinner and had the worse headache after dinner . I will never drink this again.
Reviewer: Suz

I was a big Grey Goose drinker. I went to titos and found it to be just as good if not better and I save 2 dollars a drink and a ton on a big bottle.GG could keep their expensive bottling It is much better then Kettle. I do not get hangoers with this vodka.
Reviewer: george

First of all, I guess I'm a purist. I like to drink Vodka in shots. on occasion, I get a Martini or two, so here is what I found. As a shot drink, its terrible. Like gasoline. As a Mixed drink, it depends. Olive Martini... is also terrible. Apple Martini or something sweet, Tito's give the drink another layer. So if you want sweet mixed drinks, Tito's is pretty darn good. For a straight shot cold or not, or a non sweet drink, its god awful. Giving this a 3 cause its missing a balance, but has high points if you get it with an apple martini or something of the sort.
Reviewer: Dlam01

I drank it straight up out of the freezer and it was just as good as my regular vodka at two thirds the price.
Reviewer: Gary

Smells like rubbing alcohol. Very off putting. Harsh smell and taste. What is all the hype about? My daughter wanted Stoli, but I listened to the guy at BevMo and bought Titos. Awful stuff!!Feel like taking it back or maybe using it in the gas tank!!! Never again!
Reviewer: Jim

Tito's is a fabulous vodka. Perfect with tonic, sublime for a gimlet, and a terrific martini. And gluten free if that matters. I have enjoyed it for many years, in Texas and now in the upper Midwest.
Reviewer: Rick Pulito

goodbye Goose, so long Kettle.... Hola Tito's!!! Plain and simple it's damn good Vodka.
Reviewer: bigdawgdaddy

After reading both positive and negative reviews, we cracked open a bottle not knowing what to expect and whether or not we would end up with a "bad bottle". What we discovered was a neutral flavored vodka that was smooth, almost creamy on the palate and was delicious neat or when mixed in various drinks. At $30 for a 750 ml bottle we give it a 7-8/10. At $22 or less, its a 9/10 and a must have behind our wine bar for social gatherings.
Reviewer: Iowa Wine Makers

Not a real fan of vodka until finding Luksuskowa potato vodka recently. I've been eye-ballin' Tito's for a couple of months and finally bit the bullet today. After tasting, no regrets on spending the extra $4 to $5 on Tito's over Luksuskowa. Tito's has about 30% of Luksuskova's weird, creamy texture, but only about 10% of its spicy afterbite and about 80% of this weird long-lingering sweet aftertaste that I thought was due to potatoes. HOWEVER, Tito's doesn't mix with tonic water well even though when drank straight, it is almost like drinking tapwater - warm or cold...
Reviewer: Scott Pell

A bottle of Tito's was brought over as a gift. Its a fairly decent vodka that didn't fair to well in our blind taste tests. Falls in the middle of the pack in the 16 vodka's i have at my bar.
Reviewer: steve chelmicki

Very Smooth and just a little sweet tasting
Reviewer: Timba

Tried handles of this over 3 years and have felt so very sick for the next days that follow, no matter if is just 2 drinks or 5. Just tried again and have been sick for 2 days. Not much headache, but my insides hurt like they're bruised and bloated. Put me off from drinking spirits for a while. Usually I buy Finlandia and never experience such bad after effects. Maybe a personal physiological issue that differs in people.
Reviewer: Fufumewmew

Tito's is my new favorite and no hangover ever !!! Love it
Reviewer: Cindy W

Titos has a metallic taste and smell, making it just a passable vodka. The taste and smell are forgivable for the low price, but I would not drink Titos again. Vodka is supposed to a neutral spirit. In fact, the word Vodka comes from the Russian word for water (voda). It is supposed to have no taste, no smell, and just the right amount of burn as it goes down the back of your throat. Titos fails on all but the burn. I will say that the metallic taste makes for an interesting vodka martini. But a good vodka it is not
Reviewer: Mike

I mean, its much softer than most.
Reviewer: Alasen

Tito's is not handmade vodka. He purchased grain neutral spirits from a big manufacturer. The vodka is decent but you might as well order Skyy (same thing).
Reviewer: Rich

Tried Tito's recently on an United flight from San Francisco to Denver. It was the best Bloody Mary I've ever had. Seriously, it was like adding softened water to the Bloody Mary Mix. Don't fall for the painted bottle marketing for harsh high dollar vodkas. And definitely don't listen to the snobs that think buying expensive is posh. There will always be snobs. Move on and ignore them. It takes many years of ones life learning things and consider this review a time saving shortcut. It's a great smooth vodka that's not harsh and has been distilled enough to knock out the hangover inducing impurities. I worked where Smirnoff was made for 6 years and was loyal to the brand. Not any longer. Enjoy!
Reviewer: Dave

Headache vodka Time and again and it's confirmed. It gives me a headache every time without fail. Not impressed and not buying the hand made marketing ploy since it's on every shelf in every store across the US.
Reviewer: Rit

Tito's is my personal favorite vodka for mixing drinks. Nothing tastes better in my screwdrivers and my blue whales. Very smooth. It will always be my first choice!
Reviewer: Kayla

Poured cool into a shotglass. The odor of this is what strikes me first - there almost isn't one. There's a very faint whiff of something almost like bugspray, or the compressed air you use to clean your computer case out. I can see why some might like this stuff - "smooth" is absolutely the wrong word, it goes down like bottled water! It has nearly zero taste or flavor notes on the way down, either. However, the aftertaste is utterly vile - full-force, it tastes like someone just sprayed mosquito repellant all over the room. I'd eaten, and quite well, and it still gave me an awful gutrot feeling like I was drinking on an empty stomach. Stick this in a cocktail with at least four other ingredients, and it's acceptable - but I am absolutely appalled that something this flat-out not good is as popular and praised as it is. Maybe it used to be good before they hit it big?
Reviewer: Sam W.

Used to be a wine drinker. Now I am a wine and Titos drinker. It's so smooth and is good with seltzer and lemon or like
Reviewer: Diane

To be Honest This was the first vodka i've every took a sip of, they say vodka should have no odor or taste but Tito's tastes and smells like medicine. Maybe it's because it's my first drink of vodka but it wasn't for me.
Reviewer: Joel

I am writing this after googling Titos hangover. I've had many brands of vodka with no issues. Even after 1 or 2 drinks with Titos vodka and I'm hungover the next day. This is ONLY with Titos vodka. I don't know if I'm allergic something in it or if this is common. I have tested the theory and I will no longer drink this alcohol ever again!
Reviewer: Mary Jane Allen

As of September 2017, Tito's is available in my small town in western Canada. I have read rave reviews about the smoothness of this brand for years, but I have not tasted it til now, so I took the plunge when I found it sale-priced. I knew I wasn't getting the 'original Tito's'. By the time it becomes available in Canmore, Alberta, it can't be the same handmade craft spirit on which they built their reputation in small batches in Austin. The smell told me this was not going to work out well. From a sipping perspective, at room temperature, It has a faintly medicinal taste, followed by a notable burn. It tasted, in essence, like a cheap vodka. I'm very disappointed but I'm well aware that it would have cost five times the price I paid to get a micro-distilled vodka from Texas that actually went down easy. When chilled, it runs thin and still burns. For comparative purposes, I enjoy Russian Standard Platinum/Premium, which costs about the same (regular list price) and goes down smooth with little taste, no burn, and a hint of sweetness. I will not buy Tito's again.
Reviewer: Neil "Travelin' Jones"

I used to love Tito's in my college days (2009-2013). It was my "first drink of the night", before you lose your judgment. Now I think that, instead of a neutral spirit, it has an antiseptic taste and an unpleasant lingering aftertaste. It is DEFINITELY more harsh than it used to be. I haven't been able drink enough of it to tell whether it leaves me with a hangover (which seems to be a major point of other reviews) I guess it can't stay "handcrafted" forever, no matter what the label says, when it is now sold across the country in huge quantities. Pretty disappointed. I'll stick with Finlandia, a very easy-drinking vodka that doesn't burn and costs just a couple bucks more per bottle. Sorry, Tito, you lost the magic.
Reviewer: Tom Wilson

I used to LOVE Tito's for years! It wasn't available in Quebec so i used to have to drive to Ontario or the USA to get it. I've probably drank 30 bottles in my life and loved everyone, putting it up against anything else and it always won...but haven't had it for 3-4 years. Now available in Quebec but expensive. But I decided to buy one anyway for old times sake. It has definitely changed! much more harsh and less smooth than before. bitter in fact! This is not the Tito's I knew...Back to Russian Standard I go...
Reviewer: MadMax2012

nothing special
Reviewer: creep

My friends couldn't stop talking about it. I bought a bottle and really tried to give it a chance. It smells, it had an after taste, and I feel like it leaves a coat of something on my tongue. I have never tasted lighter fluid, but somehow that's what came to mind. If you're looking for an American Made Vodka, try Boyd and Blair. I think it's made in Pennsylvania and if you can find it, it will become a favorite vodka. I usually drink Ultimat, Chopin, Nerpa, and now Boyd and Blair.
Reviewer: Rick

Haven't opened yet. I keep my vodka in freezer. Bought a bottle along with my usual. The Tito's froze. Is it really 80 proof?
Reviewer: Doc

It is average. That's it. Nothing special. They have saturated the market with ad after ad and the idiots fell for it. Don't get me wrong, it's fine, not like Stolichnya it Grey Goose but it's ok. However they charge as mush as the still so nope.
Reviewer: Todd

Tito's is probably the smoothest and softest vodka that I have tried neat at room temperature. It has virtually no taste but has a really nice thick, oily, and sweet mouth feel. Just a touch of bite at the finish. Should also be great for mixing since it has little taste to affect the mix. Like all corn-based vodkas Tito's is not good for drinking neat from the freezer. Potato and rye vodkas are better for that.
Reviewer: Steve

My wife and I like vodka martinis, and really like Kettel One. We decided to give Titos a try based on positive reviews. Both of us found it very harsh tasting compared to Kettel. Very disappointed. We'll save it for mixed drinks.
Reviewer: Kevin

Wouldn't recommend... hangover city. Worst vodka I've ever experienced. I haven't ever had a hangover from Vodka before, so I'm never drinking Tito's again. Made from corn instead of potatoes, is this even vodka?
Reviewer: Angela McCart

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